Spatial Planning and Regional Development - Direção-Geral do Território
The project focuses on the production of technical content for the preparation of a guide on spatial planning and regional development in Portugal, namely in terms of:
(i) characterization of the spatial planning system, concepts, objectives, areas of competence and levels of governance, including the main processes and critical challenges;
(ii) characterization of the instruments of regional policy and regional development in Portugal, within the framework of the common influence of the European Cohesion Policy under the seal of structural support that has boosted soft planning practices.
The project results are materialized in a book published by DGT - Direção-Geral do Território.

Date: 2020-2022
Coordination: Cristina Cavaco & João Pedro Costa
Funding: Direção-Geral do Território
Partners: CIAUD/FA.ULisboa and Instituto de Ciência Sociais (ICS)