FA / AML - Lisbon Metropolitan Area applied research protocols
URBinLAB members are actively participating in the partnership protocols established between FA/Lisbon School of Architecture and AML/Lisbon Metropolitan Area in different fields:
- development of the FCT research project 'MetroPublicNet: Building the foundations of a Metropolitan Public Space Network', in which AML is the main institutional partner to explore the potential of a systematic metropolitan scale approach to public space development.
- development and contributions to the Metropolitan Strategy for Housing (Estratégia Metropolitana de Habitação), the identification of operations to apply for the Urgent and Temporary Accommodation Grant (Phase 1) and the identification of operations to be developed to promote affordable housing (Phase 2), as well as the creation of a database to support the development of these processes.
- coordination and lecture of Specialization Programs in Housing Innovation (coord. Filipa Serpa), Housing Policies Instruments (coord. Hugo Farias, participation of Luís Carvalho, Ana Pinho).