André Lopes
since 2021
André Lopes has a bachelor (2004) in Architecture and Urbanism at the Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Design (DAUD) at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC)
Master of Science in Social Engineering (2007) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TiTech)
Doctoral degree in Transportation Engineering (2016) at Petran (Transportation Department - UFC) as CAPES Foundation Fellow. Was also awarded with a one-year funded international scientific fellowship at the TBM - TUDelft.
He is currently a postdoc researcher in Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon, under the MASTI project, also acting as lecturer of Geographic Information Systems and Sustainable Urban Mobility
Researcher at some national and international research projects (NIUMAR, MASTI, MITUS) and Supervisor and Co-supervisor of several PhD and Final Master Theses
His research interests are focused on urban and transport planning, especially in what concerns the integration of land use and transport, inequalities and social justice, and accessibility measurement.