
Jorge Cancela


Jorge Cancela was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1962.

He’s a Landscape Architect by the University of Évora, Portugal (1997), MSc in Environmental Management by the Imperial College, United Kingdom (2001), PhD in Urbanism by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal (2014).
Technical Director of one of the best-known landscape architecture firms (Biodesign, Lda.), from 1991 to 2015, has been awarded various national and international prizes.

Assistant Professor of landscape architecture/urban design/urban planning (Masters and Doctorate Degrees at Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon) since 2014. Invited Professor at the same Faculty from 2005-2012.

Jury, Supervisor and Co-supervisor of several Final Master Theses. Organization and tutorship in international workshops in Lisbon (Portugal), Ferrara (Italy), Paris (France), San Jose (Costa Rica). Presented and published reviewed papers in several international conferences and congresses.

Research interests include landscape planning, restoration, design and management; eco-agriculture and permaculture; urban planning, urban agriculture, blue and green corridors; environmental impact assessments; nature conservation and protected areas.

He’s a keen eco-farmer; also, serves on the board of some Portuguese Civic, Environmental or Professional NGOs. He now serves as the President of Portuguese Association of Landscape Architects.