Leonel Fadigas
Graduated in 1971 in Landscape Architecture (Institute of Agronomy, Technical University of Lisbon) and in 1978 in Agronomic Engineering at the same Institute.
PhD in Urban Planning (Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon) in 1995, obtained the title of Aggregate in Public Administration and Territorial Policies in 2011 (Institute of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon).
Professor of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon, (now University of Lisbon), also taught at the Institute of Agronomy, the Lusíada University, the Institute of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon, at the Master's Degree course in Local and Regional History at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lisbon and was visiting professor at the University of Sassari in Italy.
Scientific coordinator of the Master Course in Urban and Environmental Regeneration (2002-2006) and, until his retirement in 2015, member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD Course in Urbanism of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. He also held the position of President of the Pedagogical Council of his Faculty (2007-2009).
Researcher at URBinLAB, CIAUD- Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, in urban planning and territorial policies
Coordinator of the Planning and Programming Office of the Lisbon City Council (1975-1976) of the Santarém Municipal Planning Office (1988-1996).
Member of the National Commission for the MAB / Man and the Biosphere Program of UNESCO(1988-1991)
Assessor of Lisbon City Councilor for Culture and Green Spaces (1990-1993) and of the Cascais City Councilor for Green Spaces and Transports (1995)
Director and President of Ambelis-Agência para o Modernização Económica de Lisboa SA (Lisbon Development Agency) (1996-2003)
Member of the Environmental Impact Council of EPAL-Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres, SA. (2000-2003)
Member of the Parlament (1981-1987), Secretary of the Parlament Bureau and President of the Parliamentary Committee of Public Works, Transports and Environment (1983-1985).
Member (1980-1994) and President (1990-1994) of the Municipal Assembly of Alcobaça-.
Member of the International Committee of the Real Estate Exhibition "Barcelona Meeting Point (1998-2003) and, since 2005, member of the Strategic Council of SIL-Salão Imobiliário de Portugal (Portugal Real Estate Exhibition).
In 2001 he was awarded by the King of Spain with the Order of Isabel La Catolica.