Alessia Allegri
Alessia Allegri is an architect from the School of Architecture of Polytechnic of Milan (1998). Was awarded an international PhD in Urbanism in the UPC_ETSAB, School of Architecture of Barcelona (2012), with a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal. In 2014, she was PNPD/CAPES Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design (FAUeD), Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), and in 2015, Alessia was FCT Postdoctoral Fellow at the Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon (FA/ULisboa).
Currently, she is Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD) at the Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon (FA/ULisboa). Believing in comprehensive approaches to design and pursuing the exploration of tools for reflection and intervention on spatial, social and cultural dimensions of reality, her field of research focuses on the morphological and functional relationship between public spaces and their uses and in the reading and interpretation of urban experience in the physical, symbolic and functional construction of the city.
More recently, her research has focused on temporary and sharing uses in the contemporary city addressing their impact on society, and revealing how architecture or spatial practice can extend beyond the normal scope of operation. Accordingly, she is Co-Coordinates the ongoing interdisciplinary research "Intermittent LX: Activating Intermittent Practices to support the Adaptive City. From Experience to Prospective". The underlying main idea is the construction of a reference framework to drive urban changes using temporary and sharing processes (Intermittent Practices) both as generator and resource, to encourage an adaptive city.
Alessia is also Assistant Professor in the Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon (since 2007), where she teaches Architectural Design and Urban Planning in the integrated Masters in architecture.
She was guest lecturer in post-graduate studies in Italy, Brazil and Chile. She is the author of several national and international conference presentations and publications, and co-founder of the research group URBinLAB - Urbanism & Territorial Dynamics. Together with a solid academic background, she has developed a strong practice, with almost 20 years experience in commercial and residential buildings, public space projects and master planning schemes as well as community engagement through arts.
Since 2007 Alessia cooperates with Campos Costa Architects where she worked on projects of different scales, including the new extension of the Lisbon Oceanarium (2008-2011) and the Portuguese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro (2016-2017). In 2014, coordinated the project for the Official Representation of Portugal at the 14th Biennial of Architecture of Venice, Homeland News from Portugal (lead curator: Pedro Campos Costa).
She curated the exhibition "Homeland. News from Portugal", presented at the Centro Cultural de Belém, Garagem Sul, in December-February 2014-2015. More recently, in the same place, she is curator of the exhibition "Sound It. Rádio Antecâmara" (March-September 2022).