Miriam Gonçalves
since 2021
Miriam de Oliveira Gonçalves is a PhD candidate and researcher at Lisbon School of Architecture of Universidade de Lisboa. A chartered Architect and Urbanist (FAU-USP), she completed her masters in Urbanism in 2017 at University of São Paulo (USP) entitled "Building urban space through planned communities in Brazil". She obtained the equivalent degree of Integrated Masters at Lisbon School of Architecture (FAUL) in 2018. Graduated in 1994, her career started at her home estate São Paulo at the Urban Planning Department of the Municipality of Santo André. Since then, she lived in São Paulo, London and Lisbon working as an architect and urbanist, developing projects in the sectors of master planning, retail and mixed use. In a career shift, in 2020 Miriam started her PhD in Urbanism, published and participated in seminars in the field of Humanities with emphasis on Spatial Planning, Urban Studies, Architecture, Cinema and Human Rights. A team member of the research project SOFTPLAN Ref. PTDC/GES-URB/29170/2017 funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology of the Portuguese Government (FCT), Miriam is developing her PhD in the scope of the themes of the aforementioned project specifically researching the implementation of the European Commission soft policy instrument CLLD (Community-Led Local Development) in Portugal.