Pedro Bento
since 2021
Degree in Architecture (FAUL, 2004), PhD in Urbanism, with International Doctorate Mention, (DUOT-UPC, 2015), Post-Doc in Architecture & Urbanism (FAUL, 2019) and Effective Researcher at CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design (FAUL, 2017).
Throughout his professional career, he has been able to work in different architecture and urban planning practices, both in Spain and Portugal. He has also integrated for two years the Department of Urban Planning and the Municipal Directorate of Urban Planning of the Lisbon City Council where he comes to develop several urban strategies for that municipality.
Since 2006, he has carried out an intense research activity collaborating with various scientific organizations, especially in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, including Grup de Recerca en Urbanisme (GRU-DUOT-UPC), Laboratório de Arquitectura – Centro de Estudos (LabART- Universidade Lusófona), and more recently the Urbinlab (FAUL). He has published papers and posters extensively at many national and international conferences and acted as invited speaker at postgraduate courses in the Iberian Peninsula.
He has energetically collaborated in the review of scientific articles in specialized journals, such as Urban Planning; Riurb; Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura (PpA), among others, and is a member of the Scientific Committee of other organizations that are dedicated to promoting conferences and seminars in Architecture, Urban Planning and Design, such as the SIIU Seminar (by DUOT-UPC) or the AMPS Conferences.
Since 2019, he is developing his own FCT funded research project - CEECIND/01829/2017 - The role of the peripheral shopping centers when building the contemporary diffuse city, Lisbon (Beta +), Barcelona (Alpha -) and London (Alpha ++) cases - dealing with the impact of large shopping centers and other similar collective spaces in the construction of the compact and dispersed urban territories, with a particularly attentive look at the cases of Lisbon, Barcelona and London metropolitan regions.
At the same time, he is actively collaborating with another FCT funded research project at FA (2021-2024) - MetroPublicNet - Building the foundations of a Metropolitan Public Space Network to support the robust, low-carbon and cohesive city: Projects, lessons and prospects in Lisbon - and lecturing several subjects of the Architecture and Urbanism Courses, at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels, at FAUL.