Igor Chaves
since 2023
PhD candidate and Master's degree holder (2019) in Planning and Territory Management from the Federal University of ABC (PGT/UFABC), working in research lines on Methods and Techniques in Planning and Territory Management and Territorial Dynamics. Currently, conducting research abroad as a research intern at the Urbanism & Territorial Dynamics (URBinLAB) laboratory of the Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism, and Design (CIAUD), based at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FA-ULisboa), being a fellow of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), processes n.º 2021/09660-0 and 2022/16640-8. He is an associate researcher of the thematic project "Environmental Governance of the São Paulo Macrometropolis in the face of climate variability" (MacroAmb - FAPESP 2015/03804-9). He was an associate researcher in the GOVERNAGUA project: Transforming Water Governance in South America: From Reaction to Adaptation and Anticipation (2019-2022), promoted by the SARAS-Institute and financed by the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). He holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Sorocaba (2016). He is a member of the Territorial Planning Laboratory (LaPLAN) and the research groups Territory Planning Field and Territory and Nature: Planning and Management, both accredited by CNPq (Brasil). He is also a member of the Executive Secretariat of the Ambiente & Sociedade Journal and the Caderno Diálogos Socioambientais as an editor. He is also a representative of PGT/UFABC in the Latin American Association of Urbanism and Planning Schools (ALEUP). He works on the following research topics: Planning Theory; Methods and Techniques in Planning and Territory Management; Territorial Dynamics; Cultural Heritage; Metropolitan Governance; Education, Culture, and Arts.