Post-Shopping Commerce. New Urban Patterns of Commercial Activities
Analysis of the "Post-Shopping Commerce" areas: a wide range of new commercial models that represent alternative poles of urbanity and innovative engines of interesting social and economic dynamics. Ranging from street vendors to fairs, informal markets, "underground restaurants", food tracks, cars-boots, pop-up stores, sale of Panini stickers at subway exits, parking spaces being transformed into terraces, florists on a bicycle and even poetry sold between the outdoor coffee tables, as well as all kinds of festivals or celebrations, in that public sphere the city exhibits some of the key feature of urbanity: free access, density and the multiple mixing and overlap of people and activities that improve inclusivity, sustainability, conviviality, spontaneity and encounters meeting opportunity. Based on these constraints and challenging the way we define public spaces; the research explores the manifestations and the meanings of temporary commercial activities. Documenting and interpreting a selected set of case studies, this study frames the notion of temporal and reflect on urban time-space production and changing consumption patterns and its places within planning theory and practice.
The objectives are to examine and explain the role of the "Post-Shopping Commerce" in the transformation and consolidation of the contemporary city and its "cityness"; provide a methodological tool and technical and scientific support for public institutions, local authorities and private entities, providing a framework of knowledge and strategic models that can reposition the commercial spaces in the "making the city".

Date: 2015-2021
Coordination FA: Alessia Allegri
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal – Post Doctoral Grant - SFRH/BPD/101119/2014