João Rafael Santos
Architect and Associate Professor of architectural, urbanism and urban design at Lisbon School of Architecture / Faculdade de Arquitetura, Universidade de Lisboa (Master and PhD levels)
Degree in Architecture (2002), MSc in Urban and Environmental Regeneration (2005), PhD in Urbanism (Faculty of Architecture, TU Lisbon, 2012).
Post-doctoral scholarship (AUSMIP Plus Programme) at The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Prof. Ohno Hidetoshi Laboratory, 2013/2014
Member of URBinLAB research group at CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urban Planning and Design. Research interests include urban and territorial design and spatial planning, especially in the field of metropolitan studies with a focus on the relationship of infrastructure with public space and socio-spatial development. Published papers in peer-reviewed journals and regular presentations at international conferences, namely ACSP, AESOP, CEIT, EURA, GSAPP/Columbia University, IFoU, IHPS, RSAI, ISUF.
Coordinator of FCT funded MetroPublicNet - Building the foundations of a Metropolitan Public Space Network to support the robust, low-carbon and cohesive city: Projects, lessons and prospects in Lisbon research project at FA (2021-2024): https://metropublicnet.fa.ulisboa.pt/
Researcher at several international funded research projects (NoVOID, SoftPlan, iWrecks).
Coordinator of AdaptPolis - Beyond urban fragmentation research project at FA (2016-2019)
Jury, Supervisor and Co-supervisor of several PhD and Final Master Theses. Organization and tutorship in international urban design workshops in Lisbon, Cascais, Sintra, Gdansk, Weimar, London, Hamburg and Barcelona.
Has been awarded the Metrópoles Ciência 2016 Prize, by his research on Lisbon Metropolitan Area, the TU Lisbon’s/Caixa Geral de Depósitos Junior Researchers Prize in 2011, the Honorable Mention for ULisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos Researchers Prize in 2021 and 2022, the Honorable Mention for TU Lisbon’s/Caixa Geral de Depósitos Junior Researchers Prize in 2010, and the Europan Europe First Prize in 2006 (as co-author).